As we think about what we are supposed to do while on our journey there are some parts of our lives that we need to keep front and center at all times. Our health, broadly defined, is one of those elements that we need to prioritize, focus on and take care of so that we have the ability to maximize what we each choose to do while on our journey. It is interesting to think about investing in ourselves and our health, is it a normalized behavior, or just something that we get around to when we can? Can we leave our health to be just something that we fit in when we can? Or is it a mandate that we have to make a commitment to? It is quite simple and we know the answer. We need to commit to optimizing our health and all that entails including eating, sleep, exercise, relaxation, work, relationships and more. Once we get this commitment imprinted we go about executing on it. There really is nothing that can be better for us than to focus on our health. So, let’s start tomorrow and make it stick, we will be happy that we did.
Loving life when I take care of my health