Rise Above

There are moments while on our journey that we can find ourselves seeing behavior around us unbecoming of respectful, thoughtful, caring people.  On one level we step back and try to figure out why it is that anyone would be callous, mean and dispirited.  On another level what we know innately is that the best way to live is to role model the best behavior.  It is our choice every day to decide how to behave and treat our friends, our family, our adversaries, our co-workers and so on.  And it is with this responsibility we can set the world in a good place, one of opportunity, full of respect, dignity, and support.  It is not difficult or hard to do this – we just have to make a choice to rise above the fray and the fearful and lead, each of us as individuals, with high integrity, respect and empathy in our hearts.  So, let’s remind ourselves that it is within our power to do great things for the world, our community and ourselves.  Ready, set, go!

Loving life when I rise above
