We talk a lot about the world we want to live in. Whether it is in this blog or in our minds or our heart we know what a “good” world is. We also know that we need to have equality and respect as an integral part of what we do and what we expect. Yet, it feels like we have some work to do to get it to the desired state. The good news is that there are people and organizations setting a framework and community to facilitate making the world a better place. March 8, 2020, is an example of this. March 8th is International Women’s day. It is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women’s achievement. To raise awareness against bias. To take action for action for equality. And to listen and learn. It is important and all that we need to know. So let’s make the one day into a theme and a way of lie. We will be better for it.
Loving life when we have equality for Women