Phone (or Zoom) a friend

Seems that we were on a path to obliterating the phone, no one was calling a few short months ago.  Text and messaging had started their steep trajectory to take over from the call and then COVID-19 hit and, well, calling is on the rise, Zooming is booming, and while text is still the predominance of what we do, the need for a more substantive human connection is happening and we are gravitating to any form of communication that feels like we are closer than six feet away from each other.  Yes, we all know that in person is better, but it is also better now to maintain as much “real-time” contact as we possibly can.  So, call or Zoom with your friends, family, someone we have not touched in a long time, just about anyone will do, they will feel better as we will.  We will one day, soon, be hugging and high fiving, for now, let’s call as often as possible and keep those human connections vibrant and alive, it is what we need to do at times like this (when we are six feet away from each other).

Loving life when I am on a call or Zoom.
