The circumstance that we are living through, enduring, and toiling in, is even more difficult for health care workers around the world. They are the glue and the fibers that are holding us together, preventing even worse outcomes, taking care of our friends and loved ones, and doing it all while putting themselves at risk, every day… We cannot thank them enough; we are indebted to them in ways that are unmeasurable. It should warm all of our hearts every time we see someone thanking them and we should find ways to thank them again and again. An amazing and very talented group of artists and musicians and regular people took some time to create a very special thank you. We thank them for it, and we share their video here for you to enjoy and share. Every demonstration of kindness and compassion is essential and a part of how we will heal and recover. No hugging….yet, so let’s share this video as our way to give a great big virtual hug to all who are taking care of us – thank you very much!!!
Loving life when I am saying thanks