For as long as any of us can remember summer vacation was the best time of the year. Whether it was the break from school, or a holiday at the beach, or a family road trip we looked forward to our time away from the day to day grind. Then the pandemic hit and all summer plans were put into a tailspin. Social distancing, places closed, fear of traveling they all contributed to a summer that just does not feel like summer vacation. While this is indeed the circumstance that we are living in and it is not exactly as we would like it we need to think about what it is that we get from our summer vacation and try to replicate the feelings in a different setting. We need to bring a positive mindset to make whatever it is that we are able to do for our summer vacation to feel good and enjoyable and restorative. So, even if we are just doing a staycation, a short trip to go camping, a few days not working let’s make it count and chalk it up to our most different summer vacation that some years from now we will remember for how different it was. Summer vacation here we come!
Loving life when I have a great summer vacation