It feels that the pandemic has taken a lot away from us. Our routines, our travel, our dinners, our meet-ups and so much more have been disrupted and in some instances taken away. And while we know there will be a day when we can go back to what we had normalized and habitualized there is more for us to do between now and then. Interestingly, in many tragedies’, like the pandemic, nature is the victim; forest fires, floods, tornadoes, and much more effect nature and can scar her deeply. In this case nature, in many ways, has been spared from the pandemic. The good news is that she is waiting for us to visit, safely of course, and to spend time re-energizing and exploring and feeling the beauty and vastness of nature. There is much good that can come from getting closer to nature and there is no time like the present to go and do so. Nature is waiting and it is time for us to embrace her; we will be better for having done so.
Loving life when I spend time in nature