How committed are we?

Change is easy to talk about.  We all want, from time to time, something more, better different.  Maybe it is to run faster, or to have a new job, maybe adopt a new habit or change something at work or maybe even vote for change.  All of these potential changes come with the right level of aspiration and energy!  Let’s go do it!  And then reality hits, we last a few days, maybe a short while, we might achieve half of our goal and we start to lose track of why we felt so strongly and then, well, it sort of ends.  We all know it does not have to be this way.  We have the ability and the time to get it done. We have resources to tap into, we have friends we can engage with, we have a spirit inside of us and a recognition that it really is, after all, up to us to commit.  Nothing more, just a sincere commitment to get done what we want to.  Holding ourselves accountable, making no excuses, and just getting it done.  It is a truly satisfying feeling when we achieve our goal.  Once we have shown how committed we can be there is little that can get in our way.  So, let’s take commitment seriously and then reap the benefits – it is the right thing to do.

Loving life when I am committed!
