A little extra effort

Every day we are bombarded with inputs and attention grabbers and when we add in all that we have committed to do it feels like there is little left in our “tank” for just about anything else.  Sadly, when we succumb to this time-starved, always-on life we make excuses for why we cannot get to other things that matter.  They can be simple and innocuous and or big and impactful yet if we are not careful a pattern will form and will be passing on so much of what is important for us to do.  To counter this, we need to make a commitment every day, to take care of the planet, to be kind to each other, to invest in our future, and to contribute to our community.  Interestingly they are not big asks….we can start by using one less disposable product or recycle a can, it can be as simple as a hello to a stranger or an offer to help a co-worker, we can turn off the lights we are not using them, we can pick up some random litter and we can donate an hour to the local food pantry or any other community activity.  The commitment from each of us diminimis the impact at scale = huge.  So, let’s make a commitment to do just a little more every day, it matters in ways that we can never imagine….

Loving life when I put in just that little extra effort
