Doing Good

It feels like there have been days on our journey in this very different year that we have lost track of the good side of life. We have been frustrated and disappointed and even a bit like we are always on our back foot.  And we also know that we cannot stay in this kind of triggered state.  We know that we can get through these times and we know that there is a brighter future ahead.  On the way there we can brighten up our lives and the lives of others by doing good for each other.  There is nothing more uplifting than when we help people in need, when we are available for those who need help and when we give ourselves a break.  In each case we are in control and can just do good – it can be as simple as making a small donation of time or money and it can go from there.  We know how to help – it is what we are good at.  So, let’s look to do (at least) one good thing every week, the opportunities are there, all we have to do is to seize the moment.  Once we get this going, we will create a tidal wave of acts of goodness and all will just start to get better, yes indeed.

Loving life when I do good for others
