Weekly Escape

After all we have been through over the past ten months it seems more important than ever to find ways to take care of ourselves and to keep our senses sharp.  It became apparent that when our adventures became constrained that we lost a good side of what we loved about our journey.  And as time goes on it feels necessary that we take back a bit of control and figure out how to safely replace what we have missed out on.  Thinking about some kind of weekly escape that we can plan and go do is a starting point.  It could be as simple as making a change in our patterns and our habits, visiting a place nearby that we have not seen before, trying a new type of cuisine for dinner to simulate a trip outside of our bubble and so many other possibilities.  If we spend the time, we can make a weekly escape a good thing for now and a set up for that moment when the light at the end of the tunnel is right in front of us.  It’s up to us, let’s make it work and plan our weekly escape.

Loving life when I can escape
