Fully committed

When we start on our journey we start with good intent.  Our motivation, our methods, our practices, are all untested as we set out to traverse to the goal or destination of our choosing.  Nonetheless, we are ready to live and learn, to reach out when necessary, and follow our plan.  What we might not be ready for, though, is when the going gets tough; the distractions get high; the progress comes slower than we want it to be and life just gets in the way.  It is at this moment when we need to revisit our why our commitment to ourselves and the implications of where we find ourselves.  Are we fully committed?  Are the tugs at our motivation phantom or are they true obstacles?  With a look inside we can find out, we need to ask ourselves, are we fully committed?  And if yes, then what are we going to do about it?  Change how we think? Stay in the game when it gets hard?  Push forward in spite of the obstacles?  Yes, Yes, Yes, and more.  It is up to us to accept the level of total commitment.  But if not, then what, the alternative is just not appealing.  Here’s to being fully committed and loving life because of it.

Loving life when I am fully committed
