There is a growing talk track that supposes a world where those who have reach and resource need to play a bigger role in taking care of the earth. It is not to obviate the need for each of us to do our part rather it is a statement that at some points on our journey we need different actors to play a role in addressing the issues that have gotten a bit out of control. The good news is that there are great people and companies who are making a difference and one who is doing this again and again is the retailer REI. They have kicked off a program to create an inclusive outdoor culture, one where everyone felt welcome outside. They have established the REI Cooperative Action Fund and will match donations up to $1million. The goal is to create an outside that never needs to be cleaned up, where every voice is heard, where every identity feels included and so much more. So, let’s do our part to get behind people and organizations who are using their resources in service to others, especially the planet.
Loving life as a steward of the planet