First aid kit

From when we are little and all through our journey we know of this thing called a first aid kit.  A box or container that has bandages and other related products that we can use to help when we have a minor cut, bruise, or injury.  Nothing too severe, just something that needs attention to get it healed and ready to go again.  Seems like an apt metaphor for life more broadly.  What is it that we would put in the first aid kit of life, that is for all that is inside us and not visible, in fact, that which might just bother us more than a cut or bruise?  It is not without merit that we seek out what we would put in the kit.  Maybe a number of our best friend to call when we need help could be a keepsake to make us smile in a tough time, a favorite sweet that makes us happy, maybe a few dollars that we can use to treat ourselves.  So many options for what to include in our First Aid kit for life – let’s make sure to prepare ourselves and always be ready for what life throws at us. A better strategy would be hard to find…

Loving life when I have my first aid kit
