We think about our journey every day and we all know how necessary it is to take good care of ourselves. And it is that time of the year when we are prompted to think more about nutrition. March is National Nutrition Month – a perfect time for all of us to think more actively about the food choices that we make and how we can develop healthy eating and physical activity habits. It can start with the following considerations:
· Include healthful foods from all food groups each day
· Hydrate often and healthfully
· Pay attention to ingredient labels on packaged goods
· Avoid being distracted while eating
· Enjoy food – it is important for many reasons.
There are many more considerations that we can bring into focus as well, like portion size, meal planning, and sharing good food with others. All in all, it is a time and a topic that matters and we can all be inspired to act and then benefit from being active and engaged on the topic of nutrition.
Loving life when I get my nutrition right