This journey that we are on has many markers and milestones along the way. They are what keeps us going, keeps us motivated, keeps us on track. We do mark our progress and our sense of accomplishment when a milestone is passed. This past year challenged this concept on every level. Whether we were changing plans because of the pandemic or just flat out not planning it has been quite the challenge to keep motivation high when our markers were eviscerated. And now we hit Easter Sunday, the second one during the pandemic. The last one was not to be and this one will be very different. At these moments it is important to remind ourselves that there are, and have always been, bumps on the journey. Yes, we want it to be happy and memorable, and it will one day. For now, we need to recognize the moment and still stay vigilant as the more we take care now the higher the probability that the next Easter Sunday will be free and clear and fun and about as normal as normal can be. Happy Easter!!!
Loving life on Easter Sunday