The conversation

There are those moments along our journey when it is time to have the conversation.  To address an issue that has been building and growing and wearing us down.  We all know that it has to happen, the longer we wait the more difficult it is when we finally have the conversation.  And if we ask ourselves what the hesitation is it's usually resistance to dealing with the issue, that it might magically go away, that the strain that comes from it will be more than we want to handle.  Then we realize that these are just weak excuses and we press forward and have the conversation.  The interesting part is the target of the conversation is us.  We all know that there are some areas of improvement and acceptance that we need to work through, and we just need to embrace the issue, take it on, and address it.  The conversation with ourselves might indeed be one of the more impactful moves that we can make.  Let’s not wait too long, the benefits of the conversation outsized to the struggle to get it done. 

Loving life when I have the conversation
