Make time to go slowly

It seems that the more time we spend on our journey the faster we get and the faster we go. While it feels satisfying to go faster and faster, we start to miss some of the things around us, the people who need help, the beauty of our surroundings, the lessons we can learn, the feeling of the breeze and so much more.  Maybe what we need to do is to slow down just enough to be able to observe, engage and contribute.  If indeed we slow down a bit, we can even make sure to pick up others along the way and take them on the journey with us.  When we do, we can learn together, we can share experiences, we can collaborate and most of all we can feel, more earnestly, what life feels like because we are truly in the middle of it and experiencing it all the way.  Next time we go fast, this time we slow, yes indeed!

Loving life when I go a bit slower
