Walk a Mile….in their shoes

The more diligent we get with the way we live and roll the higher the probability that we can miss the fact that we are not all the same.  We see life through our own lens which can make it hard for us to sometimes understand why others make the decisions that they make, especially when they are different from ours. It is important, though, if we are to be a strong community, a world that lives in harmony together, that makes each and every one of us better then we need to understand each other better.  It all starts with an intent to do so. We need to do our best to feel what it is like to walk a mile in the shoes of each other.  To spend time listening, understanding, connecting, and always respecting. With this kind of effort, we can make all the difference in the world – for us and our community. And that is what this journey is all about - each and every one of us reaching our potential and feeling fulfilled while doing so.

Loving life when I walk a mile in their shoes
