A good start

There’s nothing like that feeling of the weekend coming to a close.  There is a bit of apprehension and a looking forward to working on cool and interesting projects.  It is how we think about the coming five days that sets the context for a great week or sadly a tough week.  We have way more control than we care to admit and as the night turns to day we can set ourselves up for a successful week and one that we can model after as time moves along.  Let’s set up our attitude (positive), our questions (incisive and complete), our creative approach (brainstorming allowed) and our plan for the week.  When we take on these four elements in place, we craft the start to a great week.  So, let’s figure out how to bring this “good start” to each of our weeks and we will, for sure, see a marked difference in how each of us start a fantastic week and many more to come after that.

Loving life when I get my week off to a great start
