There are quite a few strategies that we can take while on our journey and there is no good or bad, just different, as we consider how to take on our challenges. While there is no exact right approach for any race (or competition) we do, however, need to make choices based on our chosen approach for how we will go forward. The option to lead from the front is one that creates interesting dynamics and can work for some of us. We go hard, we rarely look back, we keep the pressure on, and we use a bit of fear as a motivator to keep us focused on the prize (whatever that may be). It’s good to feel a bit of pressure as we “run from the front” it keeps us alert and ready to press when we have to. And when we have a lead, which is always hard-fought we need to keep the lead and not relinquish it – let’s make them catch us otherwise it is ours to win.
Loving life when I run from the front