The real me

It seems that as time goes on our journey becomes more and more interesting.  It is not only the experiences that we have, or the people we meet, or the places that we go.  Technology is more and more an integral part of our lives and for sure it can affect our journey.  And yet, there are some things that we do that we might not be ready to cede tech to.  There has been much written lately about ChatGPT3 and generative AI and its being able to do some of what we do (like write a blog).  Well, for the record, this blog will always be written by me.  The process is what matters, not just the output, so while there might be some posts that could be generated it misses the point – that the journey is where we feel life and find our purpose and our beingness.  You can count on it – blogs from me and that’s it…

So, if you want to see what the alternative is – I did run ChatGPT3 to see what it would do for a blog post – here you go

“As we navigate the journey of life, it is important to be mindful of our choices and actions and to strive to live a life that is authentic and true to ourselves. It is also important to seek out support and guidance from those around us, as we all need a little help from time to time.

Ultimately, the journey of life is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment. It is a journey that is full of endless possibilities and endless potential, and one that we are all privileged to experience.”

Loving life when I write my own blog 
