Coffee or Tea?

We spend a lot of time curating our habits.  They take a lot of trial and error, they take effort to establish, and they take a true commitment to what they represent if they are to endure.  We know that our morning routine (habits) is critical to how our day plays out.  When we follow a solid, well established, routine we feel better about the day.  Our energy level is on a good frequency, we feel satisfied, and motivated to get to the rest of the day.  With a bit of reflection, we realize that the more explicit we are about our habits and how they fit into our goals and our journey the better it all comes together.  So, if we are to make the most of our day, then it does matter if we have coffee or tea or water or whatever it is that is going to get us off to the best start possible.  A simple formula with a big impact, yes indeed!

Loving life when I start with a cup of coffee 
