We learn a lot while on our journey and some of it is more meaningful than not. What we learn is that we all enjoy our freedom, some would say we thrive when we are free to decide, to be who we are, to live the life of our choosing. None of us feel good when we are told what to do and if it is more forcible than just being told, then it causes a significant negative reaction. So, it would not be hard to extrapolate to the situation in Ukraine where Russia is trying to impose its will on those who do not want it. No one in Ukraine should be subject to this kind of forced aggression, they should be able to pick their path and their belief systems and way of life. We need to protect this kind of freedom as it is foundational to a healthy far-reaching community. Let’s raise our voice in objection to this kind of uncalled for terror and make sure that in our own worlds we do not go down this kind of path. We are all better when we live and let live and support each other on our journey. A nice and productive world that it is then.
Loving life as I stand for freedom