68 Days

All of the concepts, the ideas, the philosophies, the mantras, etc, that we have all thought about while on our journey come together on the field of life.  It doesn’t matter if we know what is big or best, what is the right or wrong path, what is better or not if we do not get out there and put ourselves on the line and go for it.  We have to give it our best effort, we need to see what we are made of to find out if we can win the battle against the inertia that stands in the way of us achieving the best of who we are.  Today, Dave Proctor, from Calgary, found out who he is and what he is capable of.  On day 68 of his effort to run across Canada, he broke the record by 5 days.   He ran 68 days, averaging 67 miles a day, 12 hours running every day, no days off, no breaks for the weather, the wind, the pain, the discomfort….just one foot in front of another, and 68 days later he set a new record for running across the very large country of Canada.  A truly remarkable feat of human endurance and a living example that we can do more than we think we can.  Here’s to Dave and 68 days of living to his potential!  Congratulations!

Loving life when we see incredible achievements
