Go to love it hot

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, this is the time of year when we can find ourselves in the middle of a heat wave and some level of discomfort. Yea, it is hot out, it can be uncomfortable; and yet in a few short months when it starts to get cold, we will be wishing for hot weather again. And we know that this back and forth is quite a familiar feeling. We seem not to like the extremes of the weather – too cold / too hot, too much wind / not enough wind, too cloudy / too sunny. Yet with a bit of reflection, it becomes obvious that we should appreciate the weather in the season that it is happening. We need not wish away a day, even if it is 95 degrees and high humidity; we should challenge ourselves to embrace it and make the best of it. Love that heat for sure!

Loving life when I appreciate the heat.
