A Good Deed

The simplicity of life and our journey can be found and felt in so many ways, most of which are intuitive and naturally occurring.  Yet, we can find times when even something as basic as doing a good deed can be lost in the noise of our quest to get more or be more.  So, it is good to remind ourselves that when we do a good deed it has a positive ripple effect that carries on beyond what benefit we get and into the benefit that is received.  A small selfless act like holding the door open for someone, saying please and thank you, or just offering to help can brighten someone’s day.  A good deed resonates far beyond its initial action.  It embodies the essence of empathy and compassion, generosity, and kindness and in that, it makes the world a better place.  While each good deed can be small, they point us in the right direction, and from there, a lot of great things can happen.  So, let’s commit to doing more and more good deeds and role modeling what they all turn into, a better journey for all.

Loving life when I do a good deed