Make room

We are all full up.  We have too much to do.  We cannot fit it in.  Yes, these thoughts have crept into our head, and our hearts, and we they do we find a dead end of sorts.  Well, if we cannot fit it in then what are we to do?  The bottom line is that if something is important, if it matters to us, then we can never find an end, or a roadblock, or no room.  We have 168 hours in a week, we are responsible for how we use our time so we can (and should) figure out a way to make room for our priorities and what we want to do.  It might take a bit of work, some coordinating, and even some explaining, but what we will find out is that if we work in earnest to find room, to do what we want, then we will find the room to do what we want.  It’s pretty simple and a good reminder that we do not need permission to live the life of our choosing.

Loving life when I make room