A Guiding Example

We go on this journey, and we see patterns, the most disturbing of which is how good we are at finding fault, criticizing, and being a hypocrite.  We seem well equipped to understand what we do not like – are we not equally equipped to know what right is, and how we should play it back in our community? It seems that a lot better things would happen when we set a positive example when we hold standards for ourselves and when we hold true to a moral backbone.  We need not fall prey to the noise that is around us, we can be the guiding example for others to emulate.  When others see the success that can come from living a principled life, they are more likely to follow this path than the alternative.  So, let’s hold ourselves up to the standards that we would like to see the world hold and encourage others to do the same; a better place the world would be, yes it will.

Loving life when I am a guiding example
