For as much as we think we are on this journey by ourselves, with a bit of reflection we will realize that we are indeed not alone, and we have more support than we acknowledge. It is a twist of life that takes us a bit to recognize. Our family, our friends, our co-workers, and even people we rarely interact with, they all want us to do our best and are willing to do their part to help and support us on our journey. It could be something that they do explicitly or something they influence us towards or just something that they cheer us on about. The support takes many forms, and it shows up when we expect it and when we don’t expect it. It is a true blessing that comes to life when we are on our journey. “People” doing something for us and doing it just because they want to do something for us. It is magical and appreciated and worthy of note and a reminder that we can pay it forward whenever we want.
Loving life when I am surrounded by support