There are many definitions of the word “work”. And if we were to ask people to define work they might start off with “what I do to get paid” and they might tail off with “what I would like to do less of, if at all”. Seems that this is slightly problematic. You see, we only have 168 hours in a week, and wouldn’t we want all of those hours to be positive and productive? Does it really matter if the hours that we consume are to get a task done or sleep or do some other activity? Wouldn’t life feel better if we accepted what we call “work” as something we do for a purpose, that we get something from, that we can learn to be better at, and that can make us part of a community? So maybe this is all about reframing. The more we think of our lives, as our lives and that what we do each day makes us who we are, we would then appreciate work for all that it does for us. We can then keep work front and center in our lives and get the benefit that would come from this kind of positive attitude!
Loving life because I love working