Don’t hit snooze

There are many strategies that we can use to increase the probability of meeting our daily goals. They start with writing them down, building time into our schedule, planning for obstacles, and doing the pre-work to set up the activity.  And from there it all starts with our morning routine.  Which is keyed off of what time we plan to wake up so that we can do all that we want and need to do.  The alarm is set and the day is planned and we have the best of intentions, and the alarm goes off.  What do we do?  Do we get up, as committed, or do we push the snooze button to get some more sleep?  Our goals and all of the work that we did to prepare would tell us to get up, avoid the snooze button, and get to the business of the day.  Seems logical and rewarding to do so.  So, let’s avoid the snooze button and at the same time get the sleep we need.  We can do both, we just need to align to our goals, and it will work out every time.

Loving life when I don’t hit the snooze button
