Well for many of us, there can be only a few days that can be better than a celebration of our favorite beverage, coffee! National Coffee Day seems almost a bit redundant as it seems that this is an everyday event. There are few habits that we are so ritualistic about. We start our day with our coffee, black, with sugar, milk, cold, ice, or some other favorite flavor and all that matters is that we have our coffee when we want it. And the even better news is that the coffee experience continues to get better and better. There are more places that we can go to get a great coffee and there are an ever-growing group of specialty roasters crafting great beans that are awesome to have and experience. For all of us who love coffee, it is fun to be reminded that the simple coffee bean can have such an important role in our life’s journey. Here’s to starting every day with a great cup of coffee!
Loving life when I have a cup of coffee