It feels good to say it, I was upgraded. We think about chutes and ladders and first class seats, and it gets our attention. And yet, we all know that if we rely on a roll of the dice or a frequent flyer system, the path to upgrade is, well, uncertain at best. Maybe then it is about reframing and thinking about how we leverage our potential to move us to where we want to be. It can start with simply exploring new territories, challenging our limitations, and reaching for what we told ourselves was impossible. It's about questioning our assumptions and embracing what initially feels uncomfortable, but over time, it can become our norm. We can increase the certainty of our “upgrade” leveraging the guidance of mentors and holding ourselves to the relentless pursuit of self-improvement. It's about surrounding ourselves with positive, driven individuals who challenge us to think bigger, dream wilder, and push past our comfort zone. With the right mindset, an upgrade is not a one-time event but a way of living that is fully within our grasp.
Loving life when I am upgraded