We all have it within us, that spark of potential, that wellspring of power waiting to be unleashed. But for as much as we might have succeeded in taping it, there are times when it is not obvious that it is there at all. It could be buried under layers of self-doubt, fear, or inertia, essentially latent power waiting to be taped. What we find out along the journey is that the best way to unlock our power is to take action. Latent energy sounds quite “technical,” but that is indeed what we sit on every day; it is like a dam holding back a mighty river. The energy potential is there, but it lies dormant until a force disrupts it. The “force” in our case is our mindset; that is, each decision that we take to overcome obstacles enables us to do more and to leverage our natural power. And while sometimes it might be difficult to unlock it, the more success we have, the more we believe in our power and the more we can leverage it on our journey. The good news is that unlocking our power isn't a one-time event; it’s in the daily grind, the relentless pursuit of progress, and our unwavering belief that we can achieve more than we ever thought possible. It's showing up when it's tough, embracing challenges, and learning from setbacks. So, let’s take action, embrace the discomfort, and watch our potential transform into results and a journey of a thousand good things.
Loving life when I unlock the power