Make a request

On this journey, we get good at getting it done.  We become resourceful and self-sufficient and get real benefits from this approach.  Yet, we know that there is more available to us than what we can do on our own.  Making a request is more than a simple act of asking and leans us towards a bold stride forward that considers how others fit into our journey.  It's a declaration of intent, a testament to the belief that we are architects of our future, empowered to shape the trajectory of our journey with every request we dare to voice. This concept underscores the principle that to achieve peak performance, we must be proactive, assertive, and fearless in articulating our desires, needs, and dreams. Making a request is thus framed not as a sign of dependency but as a strategic move in the chess game of life, where clarity, precision, and audacity set the stage for success. It's an invitation to engage with the world around us, to open doors that might otherwise remain closed, and to initiate a dialogue with our broader community about the role we wish to play in it.  Determining the direction of our personal and professional growth with intentionality and conviction is up to us. It for sure includes making many requests and we will be surprised and rewarded by what happens next.

Loving life when I make a request