The window seat

We know that the risk of a strong goal focus can create a tunnel vision such that we only see what we find necessary to achieve our objectives.  And while it seems like a fair risk to take, we can change our vantage point and find additional clarity and perspective for what we are trying to achieve. Sitting by the window is not the preference for a seat; it’s an opportunity to see the world from a broader, more expansive view. It’s about taking a moment to gaze out and around and appreciate the vastness and beauty of our journey, both literally and metaphorically. The window seat mindset offers a chance to reflect on where we've been and envision where we're headed, reminding us of the importance of perspective to achieve a life of purpose and fulfillment. It allows us to step back from the immediate rush and chaos and to observe the patterns and paths that shape our experiences. As we look out, we are struck by the endless horizon in front of us, understanding that our potential is limitless. In the quiet contemplation that the window seat provides, we find clarity, renewed motivation, and a sense of peace. It's a powerful reminder that sometimes, the most profound insights and inspirations come when we allow ourselves to pause, reflect, and simply take in the view. So, let’s embrace the window seat as a metaphor for life—seek out moments of stillness, appreciate the journey, and always keep an eye on the endless possibilities ahead.

Loving life when I look out the window