“Oh my gosh” – three little words that pack an unexpected punch. They often slip out in moments of surprise or awe, when something catches us completely off guard. But what if we gave these words a deeper meaning? What if every “oh my gosh” moment became a reminder to pause and soak in the extraordinary that hides in the ordinary? Life, when lived intentionally, is full of these moments – the sunrise that stops us in our tracks, the unexpected kindness from a stranger, the clarity that hits us in the middle of a challenge. Each one whispers, “Pay attention. You are alive. This matters.” It’s the exclamation point to the mundane, the reminder that even the smallest of things can awaken us to the wonder of being fully present. It is a good reminder that we’re still capable of awe – and in a world that often moves too fast, it’s a gift worth holding on to.
Loving life, oh my gosh!