The right moment

It seems that from time to time we find ourselves waiting for the right moment to start, to act, to change. We tell ourselves that tomorrow will be better, that next week we’ll have more time, or that once life settles down, then we’ll be ready. But the truth is, the right moment never arrives. It’s a mirage on the horizon, always just out of reach. Life doesn’t wait for us to feel perfectly prepared, perfectly confident, or perfectly capable. It moves, whether we do or not. What if, instead of waiting, we declared this moment as the right one? Right now, with all its imperfections and uncertainties, is the only moment we truly have. We can choose to act, to begin, to live intentionally — not because conditions are perfect, but because we are ready to step forward confident in ourselves. Progress is made by embracing the messiness of now and trusting that growth happens along the way. So, let’s act and get better at doing exactly that.

Loving life, because I act at the right moment
