Attitude goes a long way. How you think about your situation - how you interact with others - how you react - in each of these moments the attitude you bring will effect the outcome, how you feel and what is possible. I had another opportunity to test this theory (belief) out tonight. Got to Logan airport late for a flight - got booked on the next one - checked in, ready to fly to NY - but - oh, no, all flights to NY cancelled. US Air told me I could go tomorrow - no problem. Well, yes, it was a slight issue. I have a flight from Laguardia to Miami tomorrow morning on Delta at 7 am. The agent told me she could not help me (not a surprise). Here was my first chance to test my attitude - mad? angry? yelling? - no way - walked away, assessed the situation. Determined best option - rent a car and take control - drive to NY. Need to cancel a hotel at LGA - ooops - past the cancel time, Called Marriott - next opportunity to use my attitude. Decided to acknowledge I missed my cancellation window - asked if they could help me out- explained my situation - 2 minutes later - got the email - room cancelled - no charge. Got in my mini-van - three hour trip to NY - started to snow - roads icy - attitude, turn on the radio and enjoy the winter scenery - you know how to do this - no big deal. Crazy enough, I made it home. All is well. Last chance for attitude. Too tired to give Sally a try? Not feeling up to it? Attitude adjustment told me I would feel much better if I gave it a try. Sure enough I am sitting here smiling. Finished strong for sure. Could have been a trying, annoying, frustrating evening. Instead it was just one leg of another adventure in a life of exploration - a slight twist for sure but nothing tragic. I will be on that 7 am flight - assuming it takes off and all will be as it was supposed to be. Attitude indeed……
Sally 2:57 tonight - would like to think I am closing in on 3 minutes but not sure that is really the case. Rest and finish. Then 151 push ups for good measure.
Off to Miami I go!
Next note - From way down south.
Adios Amigos