When you are mission driven, as much of the THPL life drives us to be, you have a need to re-load your mission agenda each and every time a mission ends. The time in-between is subjective and un-proscribed, but the scary thing is that most of us try to figure out how to shorten the time between missions, not extend them.
During this in-between time, the realization that I do “not have to” run 10 miles every day, that I can go for a ride or just choose what I want to do brings with it a level of freedom and flexibility that I did have for a long time. But now that I have finished my mission and I can get “back to normal” the pull to get back on a mission grows every day. (Just as a reminder, normal on the THPL journey is far from “regular”.) Our normal is good, even if it is for a short period of time, as the day to day activities are more geared towards maximizing Life, Learning and Fitness for improving overall performance – not for meeting or exceeding a specific goal.
While it is a good, albeit, different feeling to have some freedom and flexibility, there is a bit of emptiness knowing that the ”big” goal has been achieved. And that, which is true in nature, is also true in THPL – the emptiness will be refilled quickly (like a vacuum) with a new mission. Not yet sure what it is but it will come clear soon what it should be. And when it does the THPL journey turns into a mission and the mantra of Dream it, Plan it, Practice it, and Do it gets re-engaged and the cycle happens again, and then again and so on.
Good thing that THPL has regenerative capabilities. Not sure what I would do otherwise J
Loving life and just about ready for the next mission