Our version of THPL is adjacent to (and would rarely intersect) many other sports that are in pursuit (like we are) of better performance. And as we know there are many ways to improve sporting performance – interval training, improved technique, double workouts, coach led activities etc. But we rarely talk about how data can affect outcomes (aka performance). We know that measurement matters but now, more than ever, we are able to get “big data” into the mix and we can do so in such a way that it might likely truly change what is possible going forward.
Check this it out. At the US Open tennis match, underway now, IBM is publishing 85,000 updates an hour, they are managing 20 terabytes of data and they are publishing views of shots, instant shot stats and tracking data that can be reviewed and analyzed over and over again. Adjustments can be made between matches and players can just start to play better knowing exactly what makes the biggest difference. It seems that every time we think we have peaked we find a way to get better and improve our performance. And so our thesis is supported again – we can do more than we think we can and we are better than we think we are. A very exciting thought indeed!
Loving life when measuring all that is around me.