Friends of exercise and challenges - I have a good one for you.There is a song by Moby named “Flower” The song has lyrics that I want you to try to do push-ups to:
Here is the YouTube link to the song.
Every time Moby says ”Bring Sally up and bring Sally down” you do the following:
Push up when he says Bring Sally up - then go to the down position when he says ”Bring Sally down” —— hold it there till he says Bring Sally up and then you keep doing it over and over again (up down hold ….. up down hold….) till you finish the song - or fail……
For all of you on this message I challenge you to try it every day till you make it to the end of the song. First one to the end gets bragging rights with this group.
Of course you don’t have to try it, it might be too hard, you might be too busy……
You don’t really think I meant that do you? HA!
BTW - I have just started doing it - three attempts and I am not there - I have much work to do! And happy to be doing it.
Have a great day!!!
loving life, that’s all
PS - and if you can do it on the first try then do it again as it is too easy for you of great fitness…..