The engine that keeps us going on our THPL journey reacts significantly to what we use as fuel. There are so many choices that we can make, the type of food, the food group, cooked, raw, packaged and so much more. And when the choices line up well, to what our system needs, our engine runs “hot” and we can do more than expected or just feel better than otherwise. There are a lot of guiding principles that we can follow when we are making our food choices but if we keep it really simple we would start with the idea that we need to eat natural foods. From the earth in some way or form, less processing, less packaging, no chemicals, just what we would imagine natural to be. We don’t need the FDA to tell us – we can tell the difference. So, let’s see if we can choose natural foods more often, it will have the desired impact!
Loving life when I am eating natural foods.