Countdown to Leadville


As I sit here to write yet another THPL post I am struck by the significance of this moment, for me, for THPL and for the dreams and challenges that we all embrace on our own personal journey to high performance and life fulfillment.  And even though we know that moments like this are part of the journey, the magnitude of them makes us pause, to reflect on significance of the moment.  Are we not supposed to push to the next level?– to seek out challenge that is far above what we ever imagined for ourselves – and consistently we answer of course! – that is what we do and who we are.  Still I think, is it really possible that in about 28 hours I will be at the start line of the Leadville 100 trail run to run a 100 mile race with 18,000 feet of elevation gain and a starting point at 10,000 feet above sea level.  Isn’t that what “other” people do – the one’s we read about in Runners World? 

And THPL brings me back to the moment – it is only running after all.  And you have put in nearly a lifetime of preparation, including thinking about the race, running everyday, and sacrificing more than is imaginable to get to this moment.  The hard work has been done – the body, mind and soul are as prepped as they ever will be.  The support crew is in place and the only thing left to do is to get to the starting line on Saturday morning at 4am and start running.  Yes, the countdown is real, the storyline written, the only thing left is to write the last chapter.  And that will soon be done.  One more post tomorrow and away I go. 

 Loving life – asking myself is 30 hours enough to get to the finish line?  

PS – to follow my progress during the race you can follow me on Twitter


We promise to send out a tweet as often as is possible – enjoy and thanks for coming with me on this journey.

