Four riders (still) and 65 Miles riding in and around Miami with two visits – one to the Miami Job Corp and the second to meet a group of students in a meet up at the public library near Homestead
1. Motivation is in places you wouldn’t expect, like the hearts and minds of high school students who sound more put together than many adults that we know.
2. Pepto Bismol can be your best friend and at times it can help extend your mpg beyond any energy supplement
3. Sunrises are great, especially when riding next to the beach.
4. Miami does have hills, they are called bridges
5. Looking for extra fun on a long ride? Race a moped with two ladies on it and pass them, yea baby!
6. Major kudos to the support crew and master planner Steve. They are making our job easy
7. Every endurance test needs to have short term food related goals. Tonight was ice cream. And we are already looking forward to Ihop pancakes in the morning.
8. The riding team really came together today. A drafting paceline emerges and we held a steady tempo of 20+mph for a nice stretch
9. Still loving the Kind bars but just about done with pb&j for a while.
10. Even Jagger gets nervous with the ladies.
We are really looking forward to day three – 118 miles to Orlando !!!!
Loving life on a bike in a very, very big way