Good Buys and Good Stuff

As you explore the limits of your favorite activities you will, for sure, find out that there is some gear that you really like and some that you want to try (and of course that which you stay away from).  And when you push hard along the THPL journey you will use your gear more frequently and it will wear more quickly than your previous experience would know of.  And with some of the gear potentially being a bit pricey there are a few things to consider as you wear out your gear.

Gear Replacement - Change your gear at a frequency that is more frequent than in the past.  Sneakers are good example – if they look old they probably have been through their useful life, the same is true for all other gear – keep it as long as possible but know that THPL needs good performing gear to get you to your tip performance.  Also, know when gear must change – a bike helmet only has about three years of useful life before it should be replaced.

Recommendations – I know it is a simple idea but you should actively seek out your buddies for their opinions as one of the group will know what is the best and latest gear.  Use what a “practioner” tells you – it will matter more than what you read about Gear – for sure we know that getting info really helps.

Flash Sale Web sites – there are a lot of web sites that are now selling off-season, high end, merchandise from 20-60% off list price.  Sign up for their mailing lists and look for stuff you already own and get some more that fits.  You can also use the good prices to try something that you might otherwise not purchase. And you can always have on hand gear that will be ready for you to use without drama or fanfare.  Some of the good sites are Left Lane Sports, The ClymbAction Sports and Steep and Cheap.

For certain, THPL and fitness are an important part of maximizing your Life, Learning and Fitness objectives.  As you can see we can make the journey even more fun as the gear should keep you interested, pursuing your passion and optimizing your life. 

Loving life with me new gear

