If you are in the THPL community you most likely have a lot to be thankful for. This is truly a wonderful place to be in one’s life. And so what better way to go into our favorite holiday than being thankful for all that we have. So, I thought it only appropriate to start a list of what to be thankful for – I am sure we could collectively create a really long list and it would be appropriate to do so and then to celebrate it. Here is a Thanksgiving Day suggestion – bring your list with you to Thanksgiving dinner. Start your dinner reading your list and then ask your guests to add to the list. A truly thoughtful way to start Thanksgiving. Here is the beginning of the list– Yes, it is great to take a moment to be thankful for all we have including:
- Our health
- Our family and friends
- Life and Love
- Being able to laugh
- The ability to give to others
- For the innocence of children and the hope it shows
- The sun and it life sustaining force
- The thoughts and ideas of others
- Role models
- Awesome values
- Just having fun
- And so much, much more……
I take strength for being at this wonderful dinner with others of good fortune.
Loving life and being thankful every day