Life at the Speed of Light

It is now very clear that Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Text Messaging are no longer just “social media” apps.  They have become the fabric of communication for any combination of people.  Person to person, person to group, group to person – every permutation and combination are satisfied by the nature of how the tools work.  And when they are used, there is no information friction, time is measured using the word - instant, filters are forgotten and connections are made at the speed of light.

We saw this in living color, yet again, this past week in Boston, and I started thinking about the power of this new era of Life at the Speed of Light.  And since we know it works great for big newsworthy events I got to thinking that we need this kind of capability in support of THPL.  We need to start to tweet, post, text etc. what we are learning, doing and attempting.  We know that THPL comes alive even better when you make commitments to others, in public, and you stick to the plan and work the plan and then achieve the plan.  So, how about this idea for a Saturday night – think of the goals you have for April, 2013 or some other time horizon. Think about how you are doing to meet your goals.  And then figure out how you are going to leverage our real time social tools that change the game forever.   

Here is the suggestion.  To maximize THPL you are going to do one, or all of these three suggestions (below). You can do them all, or do even more (yes, make some up),  but minimally you need to commit to making a few tweets, posts, txts, etc now, about your version of THPL – see what it does to how you think about THPL and the results you get.

  • Tweet a goal that you have to more than one person who is connected to THPL
  • Post your results from one of your goals and how you are going to improve
  • Text a THPL practitioner for help, guidance, advice or just to connect them to what you are doing with THPL

We can and will take this concept further in the weeks and months ahead.  For now just start thinking about how profoundly different your THPL will be when it is real time and truly integrated into the fabric of this community we live in. Feedback can come to you instantly, you can get better faster and you can be part of THPL at a deeper and more connected level.  Seems that we just need to catch up to what is going on around us. 

THPL – Meet Life at the Speed of Light!

Loving life, yes, at the speed of life

