I am sure you have heard the saying that life is a challenge, so then meet it – they are easy words to write and similarly easy words to state. Thinking about bringing them to action requires opportunity and will. I had such an opportunity today and so I decided to go for it. I had a 6 am flight, I had a long travel day planned, and I needed a run to “recover” from the marathon of yesterday. So, I met the challenge – I got up at 2:15 am (after 3.5 hours of sleep) I ran six treadmill miles, finished my workout and then got cleaned up and off to the airport. The day did turn out to be a long one (as predicted) – flight delays etc and I was quite thrilled to have the workout “banked” and taken care of.
As it turns out, rising to the challenge in this instance allowed me to do some more Leadville simulation – running in the middle of the night tired and sore. This is what I will be feeling soon enough. Normalizing an uncomfortable feeling (or at least knowing what it is like) is a good way to prep for this race or any other event like it. THPL gave me the courage to take on this challenge; it gave me the structure for how to think about it and provided me with sufficient experience from having done it in the past to take it on. I feel better for doing taking on the challenge and definitely ready for the next challenge, in Life, Learning or Fitness.
Loving life when staring down a challenge